
Monday, 31 October 2011

Go Green With Kids 3 绿化家庭日3

Segambut Welfare Association together with Green & Blue Environment Protection Society will be organizing the 3rd Go Green With Kids Event on the 13th of Nov 2011 from 9am tp 2pm. This is an annual event opened to families who are interested to learn the knowledge and method of "Go Green" in the urban context.

This year, this popular event of great Green concept will be brought to the community of Segambut to be  held at the Pusat Perkhidmatan Masyarakat Segambut of Segambut Welfare Association.

Some of the featuring activities including Children Drawing and Colouring Contest, Enzime making workshop ( for children and parents), story telling, garbage source-seperation and Takukura Home Method Workshop ( open to 50 parents / first come first serve). Participants will be given information of how to practice composting of food waste using Takukura approach at home while seeds for composting and relevant facilities will also be given free to them.

The children drawing and coloring contest will be decided into 3 groups - A ( 4-6 Year-old), B(7-9) and C(10-12).  Prizes for all three groups are : RM200 Cash for 1st prize, RM150 for second and RM100 for third. Also included are trophies and certificates.

For more information, kindly download the brochure here : Flyer

For children who are interested in the Drawing and Colouring context, please download the form from here : Entry Form.

For more information, kindly contact Segambut Welfare Association at +60 3 6250 2201 or Ms Choy +6014 9292820 ( of Green & Blue ) or email to or

All entry forms please fax to 03 6250 2164  or 03 8998 7102 or email to /


因此,此次绿化家庭日除了有儿童绘画及填色比赛,儿童垃圾酵素制作,儿童故事阅读,亲子垃分类比赛,同时也为前来参与的父母免费提供“高仓堆肥制作”(Takakura Home Method)工作坊(限50名额,先到先得)。因此,绿蓝环保协会呼吁有兴趣了解城市环保及参与行动的家庭,一齐在11月13日到泗岩沫福利会参加活动。

儿童填色及绘画比赛也将会以环保为主题,并分三组进行,既A组(4-6岁),B组(7-9岁)及C组(10-12岁)。每组奖金分别为冠军200零吉现金,亚军150零吉及季军100零吉,同时也附奖状及奖杯。有兴趣参与者请联络 :泗岩沫福利会。地址于
Pusat Perkhidmatan Masyarakat Segambut, Jalan Udang Kapas, Taman Sri Segambut, 52000 Kuala Lumpur.

洽询电话 ,+60 3 6250 2201 (泗岩沫福利会), +6014-9292820 (绿蓝环保协会)或电邮:

传单下载 :传单
报名表格下载 :报名表格

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Perayaan Pesta Tanglung 2011

The Segambut Welfare Association will be organizing the "Perayaan Pesta Tanglung 2011" on the 9th of Oct 2011 from 7pm to 10pm at Pusat Perkhidmatan Masyarakat, Jalan Udang Kapas, Taman Sri Segambut.  There will be Lion Dance, Chinese Orchestra, Float, Magic Clown and buffet.

泗岩沫福利会将于2011年10月9日举办中秋夜悠游行。地点于泗岩沫福利会服务中心,时间由晚上7时直到晚上10时。 届时将备有精彩节目包括舞狮表演,华乐团,花车游行,灯笼游行,小丑气球表演,幸运抽奖及自由餐。